The kitchen is open from Monday to Saturday, from 11.30 a.m. until the last meal is served.
The soup may be eaten in or taken away, and everyone who comes is fed. People coming for charity meals are mainly elder, homeless, poor, addicted people and also the members of numerous families. For many of them this is the only meal during the day. These meals consist of hot soup, bread and tea, and often, with bounds of possibility, other products such as tinned food, drinks, yoghurts, cheese, butter, sweets, fruits for children, etc.
The whole activity of the kitchen is based on generosity of the people of goodwill who support this initiative by providing financial means, food products, kitchen equipment or their own charity work.
Many of our wards are grateful for care of our kitchen which is expressed by help in eating house, for instance by arranging food products, peeling vegetables, performing small renovations or garden works. People of all ages, and what is more important and valuable – very often teenagers, are involved in volunteer work. A large group are students affiliated with the Franciscans, who do not count their time and do not expect any gratuities, act on their own will and who are fully devoted to the idea of helping one’s neighbour.
The charity kitchen cooperates with non-governmental organizations located within our parish such as ARKA whose wards join the work in the kitchen as volunteers. This is an example of activation and development of disabled people who are prepared to independent life by various classes.