Welcome on The Antoni Foundation website. We’re very happy to see you here, because that mean you have big heart and want to help us helping the poorest. You were asked to help our organization by donating money or taking part in the christmas package action in polish parishes. Let us explain why and how to do that 🙂
Who we are?
We are non-profit organization created to help homeless, elderly and poor people live in dignity. Everyday we give them hot meal and support them in returning to the society. We help locally in Wrocław – city in the south-west Poland, that has over 600 000 citizens and a lot of needy people.
How we use the money?
Our most important project is The Franciscan Charity Kitchen. Everyday we prepare and give hot meal for 500 people – homeless, poor, members of big families. We maintain this action only from voluntary donations. We need money for food, bills, kitchen equipement, workers salary (most of them work voluntary, but some of them need to be paid, like professional driver, accountant). Your dontation will be reserved to this project.
How to donate?
Use PayPall
or contribute money to our bank account:
FAX: 71/32-73-594
BGŻ BNP Paribas
PL 53 1600 1156 1840 9076 7000 0003
Christmas package action
Every year, during the christmas time, we organise one of the biggest Christmas Meeting in the city that gathers needy people. Over 550 people sit together to eat dinner, pray and feel this magical christmas atmosphere. Every year they also receive a small gift form the people of good will. We would like to ask you to prepare this kind of gift in the shoe box. You can give cosmetics, food, clothes, shoes and warm underwear. Please, don’t put secondhand things to the box – let them have real pleasure from the gift. Write the most important information about receiver on the box: sex, the age or size of clothes.
How can you join the christmas package action?
Our volunteers from St. Archangel Michael Association will be mustering packages on Sundays (22nd and 29th of November) in 5 polish parishes:
- Ealing – between 10 am and 5.30 pm.
- Balham – after Holly Masses in the vestry.
- Stamford Hill (nearest metro station: Seven Sisters) – Jesuits Church – after Holly Masses at 1.30 pm an 7.30 pm. You can also bring packages on Monday, 23rd of November at 7 pm to the meeting of community „With Friend” (they meet at the old refectory).
- parish Enfield – after Holly Masses.
- St. Andrzej Bobola Church (only 22nd of November)- after Holly Masses in St. Joseph Room.
Thanks for your generosity!