All of our actions are aimed to allow poor people live in condisions worth human being. Main action of the foundation is charity kitchen – one of the biggest and the oldest this kind of institutions in Wrocław.
Every yaear, during the christmas time, we organize Christmas Meeting for the needy and poor people. It’s one of the biggest chrmistmas meeting in the city, organised for over 550 people. All of them sit together to eat dinner, pray and feel this magical christmas atmosphere. They laso receive christmas packages with food and small gifts from the people of the good will. We also give food packadges befor Easter. Part of the given food is from the muster in churches.
Our institution is not confined to serving meals, we also support emotionally through Advent and Lenten retreat, pastoral care or individual talks and advice.
We are aware, that aou wards have a lot of troubles with many apsects of realisty, like job, law, rising children or even taking part in the culture. Thinking about this problems, we lead Family Work-room, and duties of specialists: lawyer, addiction specialist, social worker and cultural actions like Cinema Debating Club.